Professor Alexander Korsunsky, Head of HSM lab, attended the Physical Mesomechanics international conference in Tomsk

Professor Alexander Korsunsky, Head of HSM lab, the Laboratory of Hierarchically Structured Materials (Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering) attended the Physical Mesomechanics international conference in Tomsk. He gave a plenary lecture on his recent results concerning the hierarchical and statistical approach to the analysis of deformations and residual stresses, as well as their influence on the strength and durability of advanced engineered and natural materials. In a special two-hour session, Alexander delivered a special “crash-course” on the Theory and Practice of Residual Stress and Eigenstrain Analysis. The conference series has entered its fourth decade having previously been hosted by Alexander at the University of Oxford (Trinity College) in 2009. Mesomechanics, the discipline and conference, brings together the efforts of scientists from the fields of solid-state physics, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, and computational studies to obtain answers to key urgent questions of condensed matter physics and physical materials science.